Monday, December 8, 2014

President Obama's Immigration Plans

President Obama has recently made an order to halt the deportation process for millions of illegal immigrants. His order also extends to create jobs for the parents of U.S. citizens and anyone that has lived within the U.S.'s borders for over 5 years. This betrays what the united states president stands for, he is suppose to follow the U.S. constitution but his branch of government is the only one that has failed this time and time again. In this particular case he has failed to follow the "Take Care Clause" which dictates in Article two section three "he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed." The president is suppose to detain anyone that is performing illegal acts against the laws of the United States, illegal immigrants are part of that group. Not only are they called illegal immigrants but them living in the United States mean that they have crossed the border illegally and are living here without paying taxes. This is very illegal especially since they are thriving off of the people that live in America legally and are paying taxes. The president should not ignore this fact and he should especially not let these people have jobs that hared enough to get for regular citizens. He should focus on the people that are already in this country and not focus on ones that are here illegally this only creates less jobs for other people, increasing this countries unemployement level more.

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